WordPress Writing Google AdSense Approval (feat.Change PITY Useful) & Automatic Ad Paste
I would like to talk about the recent word press ad-advanced today.I’m going to have more than one month, but I didn’t know what I started to do with the first time to write the first time to write the word?Yes, it’s victory.When the rejection of the unexpected collapse… I didn’t have any more interesting, but it’s a bit of mind.I think I’ll solve a little bit of the word press address.I’m really not much. – If you’re going to see it. If you’re not watching it?
Google AdSense sent me an approval email, which arrived at 3 a.m., and I’ll check this email in a few days;; and at the time of writing, I haven’t even added an automatic Google AdSense ad yet, but I’ll do it before this sentence ends.In fact, everyone is writing because they feel good even if they don’t have Kwang-go; let’s get to the point.
What should I do with WordPress writing that will be approved by Google Ad Sense?HOW!?
What should I do with WordPress writing that will be approved by Google Ad Sense?HOW!?
What should I do with WordPress writing that will be approved by Google Ad Sense?HOW!?

Automatic Warp Ad Settings
Select Light|High on the left side of the assembly site.

Before setting it up, if you don’t use the automatic advertisement, you can check the automatic advertisement that appears when you select the pencil shape on the right.By the way, if you select all formats, even if you add manual light/height later, it will avoid the situation and find and expose the appropriate location, so it is better to add automatic light/height rather than doing everything manually.
Check exposure to all mobile front-page advertisements! If you set up automatic advertisements like this, they will be posted within a few hours and revenue generation begin. If you don’t use this, it’s Asen Light.High.You can create the format you want to post on the page, receive the code, and put it directly into the warp.By the way, if you haven’t joined Warp yet, you can get help from my web hosting server purchase and domain connection instructions.Please refer to the text below.The reason why I chose this Cloudways is because it is convenient for beginners.WordPress Cloudways Server Hosting and Payment Discount & Garbier Domain Connection WordPress Cloudways Server Hosting and Payment Discount & Garbier Domain Connection T-Story Launched… blog.naver.comCloudways Hosting is available for free for 3 days and can be used further through card payment (postpaid) registration. However, if you don’t connect at that point, the warp setting will disappear before that, so you can use it carefully after using it, and you can get help more easily because various YouTubers explain how to use it. Please note that subscribers and I can get discounts if you sign up through the link.Would you like to offer a 1GB Cloudways server for free for two months?Sign up for Cloudways today and get $25 free credit right after you sign up (free 1GB server for 2 months).vrlps.coWould you like to offer a 1GB Cloudways server for free for two months?Sign up for Cloudways today and get $25 free credit right after you sign up (free 1GB server for 2 months).vrlps.coWould you like to offer a 1GB Cloudways server for free for two months?Sign up for Cloudways today and get $25 free credit right after you sign up (free 1GB server for 2 months).vrlps.co